My Siesta Beach Series of paintings started thanks to a request from my brother, Scott. When the whole family is here on Siesta Key, we often meet at the beach to have conversation and toast the sunset. So, Scott asked if I would paint a picture of the Blue Lifeguard Stand, since we always say "meet you at the Blue Lifeguard Stand". It brings back great memories of many family occasions. So, Scott, thanks for the inspiration!

Since the series was painted, I have sold a number of notecards featuring the various Lifeguard Stands. It turns out that lots of folks come to Siesta Beach, and each has a favorite stand as their meeting point. In my Yellow Lifeguard Stand, I added in that quintessential element of evenings at the beach... watching the pelicans fish. They look so prehistoric and ungainly as they drop out of the sky into the water, but it's fun to see how often they catch fish using their expandable beak.

This is a view of the spectacular Siesta Beach sunset. It might look unreal because of the colors, but if you've ever sat at the beach on one of those special nights, the sky really does look like this. And every evening is different...and unending series of sunsets with colors enough to inspire any painter.

And, finally, what would be a beach without children building castles. Hope you enjoy seeing these. If you've been to Siesta Beach, they should bring back great memories...If not, you should plan a visit to see our truly beautiful beach.
Memories indeed of Siesta Beach! My two infant boys cut summer teeth in shade this lifeguard stand would cast. And as the castles they built, scattered still among the windswept waves of riddled sands, so too such gentle visions fade into my crescent heart.